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Warehouse synchronisation

Warehouse management must be enabled and set up in WooCommerce.

Mailstep allows you to synchronise in this way max. 10 000 products. If you have more than one, customization will be required.

If you want to synchronize your WooCommerce warehouse with your Mailstep warehouse status, please choose the mode that is most suitable for your e-commerce model.

By default, items from orders not yet forwarded to Mailstep are deducted from the stock received from Mailstep, i.e. in the warehouse statuses Pending payment, Pending and Mailstep – Incorrectly entered (you can edit them with the filter). In the settings you can see the number of orders and you can click to view them.

If you have multiple warehouses defined in Mailstep, their status will be added together in WooCommerce.


You have everything under control and you can update your warehouse at the touch of a button when you stock new goods. The synchronization is scheduled and starts itself the next time you view the page.

It is a good choice if you do not have any other way to reduce stock than selling via e-shop (you do not have a branch, another e-shop, etc.).


Stock changes frequently because you also sell at the branch etc.

The warehouse is synchronized once per hour* (depending on the traffic of the site, or the behavior of WordPress cron, which starts after a timeout when the site is visited).

The first synchronization can take quite a long time – with the default settings, the plugin updates only 300 products at a time. If you have more, it will schedule the other 300 a minute later so it doesn’t overload your site. If you are sure of the server configuration, you can increase the number.

The next synchronisation should be faster, as only what has changed from the previous synchronisation is updated.

The normal use of payment methods that do not have “delays” such as card payment, immediate transfer or cash on delivery should not lead to stock discrepancies.

If you are using custom order statuses (or plugins that have them) where the goods have not yet been submitted to Mailstep, make sure you have them set as ones that reduce stock, if not, use a filter.

If you still need to use automatic synchronization of the warehouse, it may be a solution to update the warehouse only once a day (at the time after the payments are credited to the account) or to program the warehouse update after receiving new goods in Mailstep.

Your programmer can help you set the execution frequency by using this filter or by calling the action kbnt_mailstep_sync_inventory_manuall_hook, which schedules a one-time execution of cron (like pressing the button above).

Contact me for further code modifications.

More warehouses in Mailstep

If you have more than one warehouse created in Mailstep (which is quite rare), by default the plugin works with the sum of their inventory for a given product (SKU).

Using filters you (or your programmer) can set whether to load goods from onlyone warehouse or to exclude some warehouses from synchronization (and the rest will be added).

You can see information about the currently used settings in the Mailstep plugin administration as Synchronized warehouses.

Troubleshoot issues

If you’re encountering challenges with warehouse synchronization between your WooCommerce store and Mailstep, don’t worry—we’ve prepared a straightforward Troubleshooting Guide to help you navigate and resolve these issues efficiently.

Updated on April 10, 2024

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